A Country That Works For you

We the people,

not the corporations

Robert F. Kennedy holding a falcon

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Independent Candidate for President

What is Project Falcon?

Project Falcon is a bold, people-centric plan designed to restore faith in the American dream. Unlike other initiatives that cater to corporate interests, Project Falcon is dedicated to making the government work for you. It aims to return power to the hands of the people and bring back hope for a brighter future.

Who created this plan?

With a lifetime of experience as a lawyer fighting against government agencies on behalf of ordinary citizens, RFK Jr. has developed a comprehensive roadmap to ensure the government serves its people once again. Volunteers from all walks of life have rallied to bring this vision to life, united by the belief in RFK Jr.'s vision for a greater America. With your support, we can reclaim our freedoms and build a nation that truly serves its people.

First Day In Office

Reestablish trust through bold transparency

Government Transparency

Sign an Executive Order banning government officials from lying to the American people.

Sign an Executive Order preventing federal officials from colluding with social media companies to censor speech.

Sign an Executive Order banning pharmaceutical advertisements.

Release the JFK assassination files.


Establish a Council of veterans within the executive office to bypass the VA to address veteran issues promptly.

Protect VA Benefits.

Nation Wide Unity

Appoint a Cabinet that represents every political party (republicans, democrats, Green Party, libertarians, independents).

Uphold the Constitution

Pardon Edward Snowden, Ross Ulbricht, and Julian Assange

Seek to Repeal the Patriot Act that is unconstitutional.

First 100 Days In Office

Close the border, make life affordable, and prioritize public health.

Foreign Policy

Close the border with numerous executive actions.

End the Forever Wars by seeking diplomacy in the Middle East, working out a peace deal in Ukraine, and becoming the moral authority of the world.


Cut Government Spending by using Blockchain to identify waste.

Promote Legislation that Protects Workers such as a higher minimum wage, puts American workers first, and a tax deduction for union dues.

Make Investments in Childcare a Priority. Unlike other spending, investing in childcare creates jobs and is a great return on investment.

Public Health

Instruct NIH to study why chronic disease in children is so high.

Work to Remove Toxins from our food, water, and soils.

First Year In Office

Continue work to ensure our union has a long future.

Government Accountability

Overturn Citizens United that allowed corporate bribery in elections by launching a drive in the states.

Ensure Voter Integrity by making passport cards free to anyone who can’t afford them and require photo ID to vote.

Affordable Housing

Make 3% mortgage loans to the public to get people in homes.

Utilize Vacant Land and Buildings.

Change the Tax Code to make it unprofitable for mega-corporations to buy up single family homes.

Promote Small Business

Make Low-Interest Micro Loans Available.

Make Web Courses Available on how to run a successful small business.

Give Small Businesses their Fair Share of government contracts and increase women owned business contracts as well.


Build Addiction Recovery Farms by making marijuana legal federally. Then use the taxes to build recovery farms to combat addiction.

First Term In Office

Address the existential threats and end the polarization.

Public Health

Significantly Lower Chronic Disease in the United States. 60% of kids live with chronic disease. That is unacceptable.

Lower the amount of abortions by giving women choices and resources to choose life.

Environmental Policy

End corporate welfare for established industries. In a true free market, companies will buy the cheapest form of energy which is renewable energy.

Keep polluters accountable. If a company pollutes, they are in charge of cleaning it up, such as the chemicals in our food and water.

Upgrade the power grid. Right now the grid across the United States does not connect which drives prices up. If we connect the grid, electricity will be virtually free.


Make the Tax Code Fair by doubling the child tax credit, restoring the personal exemption of $5000, increasing the standard deduction, and eliminate the carried interest loophole.

End the Frivolous Wars which will decrease the military spending.

Audit the Federal Reserve.

Shut down the Department of Education, except for the research function.

Give Farmers the settlement money they won years ago and was never paid out.

Additional Actions

Regulate Artificial Intelligence.

Expand Americorps which is an alternative to military service for young people. They will work to repair infrastructure, care for the disabled, work at addiction centers, and more.

Make Student Loans dischargeable in bankruptcy and work with congress to eliminate interest on the loans.

HOw you Can Help

It's going to take Americans from every aisle coming together.

We have to reject the narrative that an independent candidate for president is unable to win. The two parties want us to stay in our silos. They literally profit from our division. Instead, declare your independence and support Project Falcon 2025, RFK Jr. For President.

RFK Jr. & His VP running mate Nicole waving from a stage

Support the Campaign

Kennedy isn't bought by corporate interests, so he relies on funding from everyday Americans like us. Their website gives many ways to be involved, but consider donating to help take our country back.

Read their official policy statement

Don't just take our word for it, go straight to the source.

Become a volunteer, hit the streets

Help fuel this people-powered movement for change.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr with light shining behind him

Dispell the myths, read Kennedy Debunked

Become part of a movement dedicated to truth and transparency. Combat misinformation and ensure that facts prevail over propaganda.